Beispiel für ein Buchlayout mit Kapitelhintergrund, Baum
Illustration: Anya Lothrop

Your book is finally ready to be published. Fantastic!

I can convert your manuscript into a MOBI or ePUB file so that your can upload it your preferred platform as an ebook.

If you are planning to have your book printed, I can compile a PDF file for you which you can then upload to a print-on-demand provider.

You can choose from many different designs (see below).


Some examples:

Click the page to see a larger version.


For paperbacks, I can also add a background image to the beginnings of chapters (like this one with the moon and the trees). Choose from existing images and patterns or send me your own.

I also offer illustrations for your story – I can draw more than just rats. 😉

Send me an email and together we will find the perfect layout and format for your book.

Beispiel für ein Buchlayout mit Kapitelhintergrund, Weiß auf Schwarz
Kapitelanfang mit Hintergrundbild