Editing & translations by native bilingual

❀ Expert on foreign cultures and Germany ❀
For publishers
Bilingual cultural anthropologist offers:
- Translations that say what the author meant to say
- Editing of your manuscript (in German or English)
My subjects of expertise:
- Foreign cultures and Germany
- Young Adult
- Fantasy
For authors
Your book is your baby. It wants to be pampered, nourished, and cared for. You have put considerable effort into writing it – now let’s make it perfect together.
- Editing of your manuscript (in German or English)
- Coaching for authors
- Illustrations for your book
- Layouting and ebook conversion
- Translation of your manuscript into German
What my clients say about my work
Reliable, competent, flexible and creative. Anya Lothrop has a good feel for dialog and an eye for detail. Neither missing commas nor - and this is much more important - dramaturgical inconsistencies escape her notice. Ever since Ms. Lothrop has been reading my scripts before I hand them in, I've been feeling much more confident about review meetings.

Rafael Solá Ferrer
Screen writer